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Free Light Bulbs and Shower Heads!!!!!

Recently had the opportunity to have my home undergo an Energy Assessment with help of an experienced technician who works with National Grid and Mass Save.  This assessment takes about 1.5 hours depending on the size of the house.  The technician will come out to your home and analyze the amount of energy being used efficiently and inefficiently throughout your home.  The analysis includes your heating system, lighting, windows, insulation, water heating use, appliances, pools, and spas to name a few.  The technician gives you a printout of all his data right at your house so there is no waiting around and gives you a cost benefit analysis right at your house. A great side bonus was FREE light bulbs and FREE shower heads!!  The technician changed out every lightbulb and replaced them with energy efficient, compact fluorecent bulbs. The bulbs are bright and work great! That yearly savings in energy cost is approximately $355 per year just in lighting.  He changed out the shower heads and this will also help reduce our volume of water and reduce our overall cost on a yearly basis.  An analysis was performed on how we can conserve more energy using more insulation in our walls and changing out some windows. The home energy assessment is free and the amount of information my wife and l learned about our home was very helpful.  There is a significant savings because of the  spending $400 we will add insulation in several rooms and in the attic. This will greatly improve our heating costs on a yearly basis. The process is painless and the information is excellent.   For more information go to .